Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tapscott Pt 3

On p. 294, Tapscott claims the Net Generation is the most social generation yet.  He talks about how many NetGeners prefer to talk via IM rather than in person, but that's making us more social and not less.  I disagree with this statement to a certain extent because my roommate prefers online communication to in person communication and it drives me nuts.  She never wants to go out with friends anymore, she'd rather be at home on facebook chat, skype, msn and her webcam.  I would define her behavior as antisocial rather than social.  The people she talks to online are not people that she has spent a lot of time with in person and few of them are actually good friends.  While online communication is helpful to keep in touch with people you don't live close to anymore, I believe that at times it does make people less social.  Talking on IM is easier than talking in person, just like texting is easier than calling someone on the phone.  However, I feel like talking to someone in person is a much more valuable experience and while IMing or texting can break the ice, I feel like in order to have true friendships you need to get out of your living room and experience new situations.  New experiences are fun, and the ability of people to become like my roommate and be able to talk to people instead of going out drives you to become introverted and scared to talk to people.  My roommate is only one example, but gamers are another.  They spend hours and hours on world of warcraft and they're talking to other people, but they're never leaving their house.  I think online communication is fine in small amounts but if too much time is spent online and not enough time is spent around people I think that online communication can become unhealthy and lead to antisocial behavior.

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