Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tapscott Pt 2

In this section, Tapscott discusses how advertisers are scared that people in the net generation don't read ads in the traditional way.  We don't listen to the radio, we plug in our itrip, we don't watch tv, we dvr and watch hulu and we don't read the newspaper, we might go to a news website.  This was interesting to me because I've been hearing for a few years now that advertisers are worried about this problem, but it's starting to frustrate me.  If they are worried, they should be focused on advertising in a new way that will reach the net generation effectively.  All tv ads are really good for is making you remember the company name.  There are ways to do that visually, if you see Coke ads all over a website you will probably remember that it was there.  We've also discussed in some of my classes how the presence of an annoying ad actually deters you from the company rather than encourages you to buy from them.  You will remember the company, but in a negative light.  I think advertisers should be changing along with the times.  I'm excited because recently they have been trying to do this through online ads as well as social media.  While whether this is effective or not has yet to be proven, but I have to think it's equally effective as tv and radio ads and has the advantage that many online ads sit in the background rather than interrupt or annoy you.  I'm glad advertisers are finally focusing on the future rather than the past and are working to find ways to keep up or even get ahead of technology in order for ads to still be profitable.  Besides ads, there are few ways to find out about a company's existence.

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